Friday, July 23, 2010

Set the stage for no mind

Set the stage
Walk up on it
Feel the roaring rage
The crowd that shakes
Feel the emotion, each character needs
Think your lyrics, think your lines
Once you've prepared
Then you've set the stage for no mind
All the minds of the audience go blank
They think only about the stage
I've set the stage for no mind
No mind
No thoughts

Friday, July 2, 2010

Just a loser

I remember when I thought you were a winner
You were god
and I was just the poor sinner
But then I grew up and I realized
You were just a loser
No courage, no bravery, no self esteem
You were king
and I was just a Joker
But now life for you seems as if it was a
losing game of poker
It's times like these I think what would happen if I didn't realize
you were just a loser
But I did realize,
But, I did find my own hope.
But, I didn't just follow...
another loser